Sunday, August 31, 2008

THC #63: The Carnival Can Help

Welcome to the 63rd Homesteading Carnival. Can you believe this carnival has been going for 63rd weeks? Our carnival is small - only averaging 10-15 submissions each week. Nothing compared to the Carnival of Homeschooling where they have 50-90 submissions! Sometimes I feel that this may be pointless and no one is really interested in it, but I do have faithful participants and so I will keep trudging along.

I'm not sure how to get more people interested or to remember. I know you all have something to contribute as I read blogs throughout the week. I know you do. Anything from homemaking to gardening to babies to animals! Simply everything on your homestead, country or not, is perfect for this carnival!

I try to send out a weekly reminder by email and through our yahoogroup, but sometimes I just don't have time. The best way to remember is to get one of the Homesteading Carnival icons on your blog please get one, and if you do move it up to where you can see it and remind you to submit something.

I love doing the carnival. I am excited when I see new people submitting and the old continuing to join us. I love having others host it on their sites and seeing what fun things they do with the carnival themes. It's really a lot of fun and you really can learn so much from all the submissions. This week's theme is just that: The Carnival Can Can Help. How can the carnival be useful in your life. How can it encourage or inspire you to make your house a comfortable home for you and your family?

The Carnival shows you how to be frugal and family-friendly...
Melinda at One Green Generation shows you all the different ways you can clean your house with a product that is environmentally safe and family-friendly. It's the #1 Cheapest & Most Versatile Product and you can get it nearly everywhere: Vinegar.

Looking for ways to save money on groceries? Erica Burgan at The Sojourner tells how to do it the EASY way! Glean from this and spend your money wisely. There always ways to be frugal.

Live in Hawii? Well you'll be pleased to know that it is "a leader among the fifty states when it comes to Renewable Energy." Ron at Your Aloha Connection shares all the facts about it and how to get in contact to save yourself, if you're not already.

The Carnival offers tips and links on how to be sufficient...
Once again at One Green Generation with Melinda she's sharing a VIDEO about How To Hand-Pollinate Tomatoes & Peppers. Her family lives in a small apartment, no room for a garden, but there is always way to improvise so they garden at Grandma's.

Emily Rose at the time that has elapsed is growing a little Herb Garden this year and it is growing nicely. A peaceful part of her homestead.

I love reading the posts at HowToMe. She is so creative and so self-sufficent. This week she's showing you How to Sew Toddler Bedding step-by-step.

Erica Burgan at The Sojourner is starting her own baking business... Whew! That's alot of baking! You can do anything to do it yourself.

The Carnival allows you to recipe-swap...
Why drink processed, store-bought apple cider when you can make it yourself and make it fresh? Laura Williams at Laura Williams' Musings gives your speicial recipes for Homemade Apple Cider Vinegar.

Stephanie at Stop the Ride! shares a spicy, but ever-so good, post on how to make Hot Pepper Jam. Yummy... good in salsa.

The Carnival shares links about "life on the homestead" and how to improve it...
Oh! The roof is coming off and she's excited... Jennifer Bogart at Quiverfull Family is sharing her Pic(k) of the Day, and it is a curious sight to see!

Ever been told that it's hard to grow roses and maintain? Piedro Molinero at DIY Gardening Tips wants to let you know you can, and shows you all the different ways to a beautiful Rose Garden and making your homestead oh so purtty.

The Carnival is a great resource for home-stead-schooling...
On the lighter side of things, daily Abi shares her life, and found a profound piece of writing about things you need to know, and she learned them all in KINDERGARTEN.

Miss Amanda at It's A Learning Experience gives you some flower-education about the Bloomin Beauties on her homestead.

Michael Snyder at The Moral Collapse Of America presents 15 Things That Are Wrong With America, and shares facts on why our country's morals are going, going, GONE. **If under 18, please have parental permission to read. Nothing wrong, just disturbing facts.**

Have you been keeping up with all the presidential election business? Have you heard about John McCain's choice for a VP? And her choice to homeschool? Spunky at Homeschool Blog Awards has opened up some interesting discussion on Sarah Palin Plans to Homeschool.
I know this carnival helped you in some way, whether it furthered your knowledge or gave you ideas, and I hope you will help keep it alive each week by sharing what's on your homestead (or home-city).

Also, I want to let you know that the Carnival has MOVED to their original address here at to broaden the horizon.

And, please continue to keep the Drews Family in Texas in your prayers. Their sweet 3yo passed away last week, and they need all prayers and words of encouragement they can get.

Have a wonderful Labor Day and enjoy your family and life on the home(stead).

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Saturday, August 30, 2008

THC Official Icons

Here are a few icons I made for the Homesteading Carnival. I am working on a few more, but here's what I have so far. You can copy and paste the codes underneath what icon you like and put it into your template!

If you have any cute homestead-y photos you think I could use, please send them to me. I'll see if I can use them. I thought about making one with a string tied around a finger because people forget, and need a reminder!

Oh that reminds me... Don't forget about next week's edition of the Homesteading Carnival! You can use the blogcarnival form which makes submitting quick and easy.

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Friday, August 29, 2008

THC Hosting Schedule

This is a tentative Jan/Feb 2010 schedule. As soon as I get confirmation from the host I'll post the link to their site. If you'd like to host please let me know, I'm looking for hosts. Read to end of post to find out how to contact me. Thanks.

Jan. 4 - THC
Jan. 11 - Elcloud Homeschool: Busy Minds, Busy Hands, Busy Feet
Jan. 18 - Mountaineer Country
Jan. 25 - Lighter Side
Feb. 1 -
Feb. 8 -
Feb. 15 -
Feb. 22 -

If you're wondering What IS A Carnival Exactly? then click on the link.

I am always looking for volunteers are looking for blogs to host the carnival, and if you have participated and would like to host it at your site, please email Abi. It is very simple to host the carnival. We are rather small, only getting 12-18 submissions a week, so it's not very time-consuming and you're welcome to put the carnival in whatever fashion or theme you please. We posted "Host's Guidelines" for you to read if you are considering or going to host the carnival.


Please submit a carnival submission by using this EASY blogcarnival form. Simply add your URL and it will load your info. Then push send after that!

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