Carnival # 114 ~ "Eye" Spy Edition
Welcome to the September 28, 2009, "Eye" Spy edition of the homesteading carnival.
Let's start our carnival off on the right foot.
Lara DeHaven spies Fall Is Almost Here! at her Texas Homesteader.
You Just Never Know what you might find at Stop the Ride!.
You may want to capture those moments with Kathy Wilson's 100 Best Blogs for Photography Students posted at online
How about some nice Home Style Tips Holly will help you spy some Jewel Tones Are Hot for Fall 2009
Kids say the dandiest things Mamaw shared with Stephanie what she spied two girls doing. Then Stephanie turns around to share with us the event of Our Devout Chickens at Adventures in the 100 Acre Wood. Check it out you'll get a chuckle, a balk, a crow, or something along the chicken line.
At Christian Personal Finance spy 9 money-saving uses for vinegar "Vinegar is under-rated for so many reasons! It really has so much to offer!"
The family always loves to spy good things that come from mom's or Grandma's kitchen.
Head over to A City On A Hill, and spy out "A recipe for delicious homemade wheat thins that taste just like store-bought - only healthier!" as Miss Rachel presents {Homemade} Wheat Thins
or maybe you'd rather try "This starter for delicious homemade Amish Friendship Bread. Once the starter is made, you can make some delicious bread with it and share the starter with friends." here Amish {Friendship} Bread Starter…
Spy out a Great Dinner! at Mountaineer Country.
Spy Stephanie's My Favorite Pizza Crust at Make It From Scratch. I had to give you a teaser on this one it looked so yummy!
Amber's Homemade Honey Wheat Bread looks pretty pleasing to spy out also at .:.ClassiclyAmber BLOGS.:..
One last stop for our "Eye Spy" carnival this week:
Spy a tip on How to Fix a Garbage Disposal that Won't Turn On and Won?t Make Noise posted at
That concludes this edition. I trust you enjoyed your look into the spy glass of THC. Be sure to submit your blog article to the next edition of
the homesteading carnival thc
using our
carnival submission form.
Past posts and future hosts can be found on our
blog carnival index page.
Next week's host will be Jacque @ Walking Therein
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