Here are some highlights you'll find ~
Happy Remembrances
Making Butter
Mushrooms for dinner
Green Bean Harvest
Save Money: grow your own food tips
making a purse with old jeans
making a fishing pole with a pop can
and more....
(read Carnival # 99 here) I was on vacation and Carnival # 100 was missed there was only one entry it was adde to carnival # 101. Sorry no carnival for that week. I know it is summer time and everyone is busy please be sure to get your articles in.
This week's carnival was hosted by Suzanne @
God is Good! It may be small but she did a really cute job of it. You may want to just poke around at some of her side bar icons while you're there. See what all her site has to offer.
Here are some things you'll find in Carnival # 101 ~
Benefits of blueberries
decorating your room and fixing up a new house and property
Eggplant tips
and more check out Carnival # 101
Be sure to get your post in for next week's carnival. Use this form
here. The host will be Abi @
Lighter Side There was some mix-up in things and getting articles to the host while I was away. If you posted an article and didn't see it please accept my apologies. I will try to post the ones that I know were missed next week.